All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract implementation of OrthoElement implementing extension support.
Abstract implementation of utterance filter.
Abstract implementation of ScriptTableModel.
Abstract verifier for text fields.
Interface used for HookableActions.
Tab component based on in the javase documentation "How to Use Tabbed Panes".
Add a new column to the given table using a user-entered script.
IPADictionary capability for adding a new orthography->ipa entry.
Undo-able edit for adding participants in a Session.
Edit performed when a new record is added.
Add a new tier to the session.
Harmony detector for query api.
Display settings for wizard nodes identified in the given extension.
Create formatters for ages stored in Period objects.
Java class for aggregrateInventory complex type.
Represents a set of aligned morphemes across Phon tiers.
Extends the aligned word class with the aligned moprheme concept.
A database of types (unique strings) along with the tiers in which they appear and a list of other types to which they are linked.
Create instances of AlignedTypesDatabase
Serialization methods AlignedTypesDatabase including compression.
AlignedTypesDatabase implementation using TernaryTree as a backend.
Calculates pairwise alignment of two sequences of objects.
Layout tier groups so that they are vertically aligned.
Represents alignments between two arrays of similar objects.
Character used to indicate alignment.
For IPA Target/Actual alignment.
For IPA Target/Actual alignment.
This type represents the alignment of two phonetic representations.
This type represents the alignment of two phonetic representations.
Java class for alignmentTypeType.
Java class for alignmentTypeType.
Extension for alternative forms for an IPATranscript.
Library of analysis.
Node Instantiator for analysis documents.
Wizard for stripping participant info.
Creates a PhonTalkMessage from antlr RecognitionException.
Handles mapping from String invalid input: '<'-> ANTLR Token type
Utility methods for working with antlr3 CommonTrees.
Matches if a diacritic in the prefix, suffix, or combining section of the phone is matched by the parent matcher.
Always returns true, this special transition gets lowest priority (if it exists) when then FSA runs so that other transitions may match first.
allows convenient multi-value initialization: "new STAttrMap().put(...).put(...)"
Visitor for filtering a list of phones into a list of audible phones.
An audio file.
Audio file formats
Container for audio file information.
Audio file types
Methods for reading and writing uncompressed audio sample data.
OpNode for performing automatic transcription on a given Orthography
Handles timer and performs actions for autosave of sessions.
Extension for Projects which manages auto-save files for a project.
Action for auto-transcribing a Session using the current IPADictionary.
Utility for performing automatic IPA transcription for a Record.
Form for selection options when performing automatic transcription.
Auto-validate options.
Auto-validate ipa fields for a session.
Exceptions thrown when problems are encountered with the dictionary backing storage (e.g., I/O Errors.)
Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
invalid @link
will read data from another InputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
invalid @link
will write data to another OutputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Basic, single-character matcher in Phonex.
A class that can detect consonant/vowel harmony in a word based on an actual form.
A class that can detect metatheses in a word based on an actual form.
Basic phon script in memory.
Class to perform syllabification based on a syllabifier definition.
Loader for Phon 1.6 syllabifier files.
Utility methods for reading/writing BasicSyllabifiers.
Transition for matching beginning of tape input.
Java class for bgType complex type.
Java class for bgType complex type.
For storing blind transcriptions of users.
For storing blind transcriptions of users.
Boolean script parameters
Setup appliation environment using resource files found in the META-INF folder.
Wizard frame with breadcrumb UI for navigation
This class will keep a reference to the size of the previously rendered area.
Interface for exporting data from a buffer to another format.
A panel showing a single LogBuffer with options for displaying the data in different formats.
Utility class for building dialog button bars.
Exception thrown when a requested capability is not implemented in the dictionary object.
Some helpful array methods used by the database
An ipa button
Java class for cellProp complex type.
Extension for Projects which allow changing location of project at runtime (such as when changing the name of the project folder)
Audio channels
Wrapper around a sampled object allowing access to a filtered list of channels
Java class for charType complex type.
Convert CHAT to TalkBank XML.
A holder element for chat information.
A holder element for chat information.
Objects which are not attached to windows but need to be checked for changes on exit.
Check IPA transcriptions for a session.
A wizard for checking/repairing IPA transcriptions in a set of selected sessions.
Step 1 - Check IPA wizard Select sessions and actions to perform.
Loads resources from a specified class loader (or the default class loader if not specified.) Resources are located using ClassLoader.getResources(String) for each specified resource.
Load macros from classpath (used in PhonNodeLibrary)
XML entity resolver that will look for catalog files using the provided ClassLoader.
Add an action to JLabel components.
Close the buffer with given name.
Close the specified window, prompting a save dialog if necessary.
Provides static methods for getting collators based on locale settings.
Interface for plug-in matchers which are able to be combined.
Matches combining diacritic portion of the phone.
Provides a matcher for combining diacritics.
Entity class for comments.
Implemtation for comment elements.
Java class for commentSection complex type.
A storage class for comments.
A storage class for comments.
The common class for a gui window
Interface used when new common modules frames are created.
A painter interface similar to the SwingX painter setup.
A wrapper for a component with a displayed message (usually a warning/error) at either the bottom or top of the component.
Perform lookups on multiple dictionaries at once.
A compound comparator for features, with a fallback to a string comparator
A compound Phone consists of two phones connected by a ligature.
Handles matching compound phones using two separate phone matchers.
Compound word marker.
Specifies a syllable constituent.
Specifies a syllable constituent.
Java class for ConstituentType.
Java class for constituentTypeType.
Java class for constituentTypeType.
Rule for handling contractions.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Copy record data into system clipboard.
Corpus details for project manager.
Handles the data model for the corpus list in the project window.
PromptedTextField for entering a corpus name.
The description of a corpus.
Performs the cover operation on a IPATranscript
Creates workspace folder on Phon startup if it does not exist.
Write out comments to the csv report.
CSV report builder implementation.
Interface for writing report sections in csv format.
Write the data for the tabular data sources to the given csv writer.
Writes a csv file based on the values displayed in a given JTable.
Table model using a CSV reader for table data.
Dialog to play custom segments.
Perform the standard 'cut' operation on components which support it.
User-defined IPA dictionary where all entries are stored in the derby IPA database.
Customizations for JXDatePicker
Default data model for the SessionEditor
Default error handler for PhonTalk.
Create the default menu for all Phon windows.
Extension point implementation for application menubar filter.
Default UI for the phone map display.
Outputs messages using the default logger.
Default project factory implementation.
Basic implementation of a TableDataSource.
Default model which is only concerned with keys
String editors
Default implementation of UI for WaveformDisplay
Delete corpus/corpora which are currently selected in the project window.
Removes specified group for all tiers.
Delete the current record.
Delete the current record.
Merge one or more session into a new session.
Local project which will send files to trash instead of deleting them during corpus/session removal.
Factory for cases where the Desktop paradigm is available.
An abstraction of a process detector.
A result object for two positions of a PhoneMap
The type of result given by a detector.
Diacritics are attached to phones as either prefix, suffix or combining diacritics.
Visit each element in a IPATranscript and create a new transcript with Diacritics removed.
Base matcher for all diacritic phonex plug-ins.
A header component meant to be placed at the top of a dialog.
Interface for dictionary providers.
Tests nucleus membership in diphthongs.
Provides the 'diphthong' phonex plug-in matcher.
Distribute unsegmented records evenly across the space between existing records while maintaining order
A component with a divided background.
Dock positions for record editor.
JButton with a drop-down component.
Create a 'drop-down' icon composed of an original icon and a drop-down arrow.
Duplicate selected corpora in the project window.
Exception thrown during IPADictionary.addEntry(String, String) when a duplicate entry was specified.
Duplicate sessions selected in project window.
Interface for handling editor actions.
Data model for the session editor.
Entity class for editor events.
Handles passing of internal EditorEvents.
Common event names for the editor event model
Instantiator for OpgraphEditor editor models.
Panel for editing session editor prefs.
Selection model for the SessionEditor.
A view in the SessionEditor.
Annotation used for editor view extensions.
View model for the SessionEditor.
Custom dialog for editing query information.
Edit query name and comments.
Empty audio samples of specified length and format.
Transition for matching end of tape input.
Custom parser for entry point arguments.
Argument information for plug-in entry points.
"Extended Phonological Mean Length of Utterance" (Arias invalid input: '&' Lleó 2013) calculations for PhoneMaps
Class to aid in escaping specific chars in a string.
An event.
An event.
Interface for exporting some context to Excel.
Command for exiting the application.
Export query to a file on disk.
Extension interface for LongSound objects.
JavaScript wrapper object for IExtendable objects.
Object with extension support enabled.
Extension annotation.
Handles installation of extensions on IExtendable object.
Class which provides extension support for objects that implement the IExtendable interface.
Utility methods for working with extensions.
Java class for family.
A phonetic feature
Feature family
Holds all defined feature set for IPA characters.
Java class for featureMatrixType complex type.
Class to represent a charater's feature set.
Class to match phones based on feature sets.
Java class for featureSetType complex type.
Java class for featureType complex type.
A library handler which allow for loading a list of explicit files.
A file selection, multi-action button with history.
Special text field for selecting file/folders.
Selection mode
Collection of helper methods for working with the filesystem.
A table model wrapper that uses a SwingWorker to perform row filtering.
Text completion model which replaces the final token in a string.
An SessionEditor EditorView implementing Find invalid input: '&' Replace for a Session.
Class to manage find and replace for a session.
Move SessionEditor to first record.
Detects harmony on single IPATranscripts.
Basic storage class for flat (non-group) tiers.
Basic storage class for flat (non-group) tiers.
Scans a folder for files.
List for displaying project in a given directory.
Formatter for Fonts
Registers all ttf fonts found in 'bin/fonts' with current graphics environment
Base interface for implementing formatters.
Provides classpath access to formatters based on entries found in the META-INF/services/ca.phon.formatter.Formatter files.
Used by FormatterFactory to detect the proper formatter for a given type.
A collection of FSA utility methods used in machine construction.
Edit general application prefs such as automatic update.
Generate session audio file
Dictionary capability for generating ipa suggestions.
Node for reading the current text of a given buffer.
Frame for displaying progress from a git command.
Global parameters which override local node settings.
Setup cell renderer and mouse handler on GraphOutline view for WizardExtension.
A grid of IPA 'buttons'
(x,y) and w+h of a component using the GridCellLayout layout manager.
Layout components in a rigid (i.e., non-scaling) grid.
Java class for group complex type.
A Group is a vertical view of tier information in a record.
Text field for editing tier data for a group.
Border for group text fields
normalized end time for groups in record
Basic storage class for grouped tiers.
Basic storage class for grouped tiers.
A group.
A group.
A class similar to SwingUtilities that has some helper functions for drawing things.
Java class for headerType complex type.
Java class for headerType complex type.
Show application help
A panel to display some information to the user.
Convert buffer table to an HTML table.
Class for obtaining icons.
Adds the ability to add/remove capabilites to an object that implements the ICapable interface.
Implemented by inventory settings objects which use the ignore diacritics option set.
Adds/removes entries from the media menu.
Implements the basic dictionary format used by Phon.
Initialize new repository for project.
Java class for innerGroupMarker complex type.
Java class for innerGroupMarker complex type.
Java class for innerGroupMarkerType.
Java class for innerGroupMarkerType.
Represents Major/Minor intonation group markers.
Intonation group type
Java class for inventory.
Calculate inventory for a table
Java class for inventorySection complex type.
Inventory section panel
Settings for inventory.
Text collation for IPA transcriptions.
Handles creation and connections to the IPA transcription database.
API for the IPA dictionary.
Generic IPADictionaryException.
Manages the library of available IPA dictionaries.
A list selection component for IPADictionary
Required interface for IPADictionary implementations.
IPAElements represent the atomic unit of IPA transcriptions.
A factory for creating various types of IPAElement objects.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Editor for IPA Transcriptions (validated and blind.)
Tokenize IPA strings for an ANTLR parser.
Context object for cmd interpreter.
Listener interface for IPALookupContext
Styled document for IPA lookups.
A tier edit which originates from an automatic transcription.
UI for IPA Lookups
Base class for lookup view actions.
IPA Lookup context for app.
Displays a sectioned list of ipa grids.
Functional interface for listening to changes to ipa map cell selection.
Toggle visiblity of the IpaMap
Frame with custom behaviour for the Ipa Map.
Display a single grid of the IPA Map.
Container for IPAMapGrids.
Base class for IPAMapGrid UI
Listen for button events in the ipa map.
Custom search field for the ipa map
Search type
Allows for selection of a set of IPA elements.
Grammar for parsing IPA transcriptions encoded in UTF-8.
Interface for implementing error handlers for phone lexing/parsing.
Exception class for errors during Phone lexing/parsing.
IPA source node for the syllabifier.
Ternary tree implementation for IPA transcripts based on features
Editor for IPATranscript tiers
For IPA Target/Actual tiers.
For IPA Target/Actual tiers.
Maps individual glyphs to their IPA token type.
Every IPA glyph must have an associated token type.
A (somewhat) immutable representation of an IPA transcription.
Class for building IPATranscripts.
IPA transcript formatter
Java class for ipaType complex type.
Entry point for a plugin
Plugin extension point.
A plugin extension point for controlling the window menu for all Phon windows.
JavaScript bridge for common Phon functions.
An object that wraps a JAXB object.
Password is a class to implement password encryption as used on Unix systems.
Displays a file path as just the name or a shortened string.
A component that lets the user graphically select a contiguous range of values by sliding knobs withing a bounded interval.
Represents a language.
Displays a table (with filter) for looking up ISO language codes.
UI for viewing and selecting a language from the ISO-639-3 language code list.
Show the language code lookup window.
An entry in the ISO-639-3 code set.
Capability for returning langauge information on a dictionary.
Move SessionEditor to last record.
Defers loading of the query script until data is needed.
Implementation of Levenshtein distance ( for Phon transcripts.
Custom library view for Phon node editor.
Fires a property change event when a new line is printed to the stream.
A table model that uses a list of object as row data.
A local on-disk project
A buffer for general output.
Show log viewer window
Log4j2 layout for application log messages.
Method for setup and management of application logs.
Utility functions for logging.
Application log viewer.
LongSound objects allow for access to audio stream information without loading the entire audio file into memory.
Main entry point for the application.
Java class for MappingType complex type.
The number -1 represents an indel (insertion-deletion point).
The number -1 represents an indel (insertion-deletion point).
Java class for MarkGroup complex type.
Math helper methods.
Panel for configuration options for media export.
Helper methods for locating and handling paths for media files.
Base class for media layer actions.
Panel for embedded media player for editor.
Edit prefs for media such as media search paths.
Media segment
Text field for editing media segment times.
Media segment
Media selection field for SessionInfoEditorView.
Helper class for building menus.
Helper class to build menus based on plugin extensions.
Merge all groups for the given record into a single group.
Action for merging two groups in a record.
Edit which will merge a group with the next adjacent group.
Create a new macro node from selection
Select session name, corpus and sessions for merge.
Provide a record filter for each session selected in step 1.
Metadata consists of a map of string to string values.
Java class for MetaKeyList complex type.
Type definition for the meta[data] element.
A collection of quick-reference mimetypes.
A simple standalone JDBC connection pool manager.
Thrown in MiniConnectionPoolManager.getConnection() when no free connection becomes available within timeout seconds.
A wrapper around a multi-channel sampled which returns samples as an average of all channels.
Utility class for building morphology trees given strings coded for the CHAT/Phon %mor/Morphology tiers.
This class is responsible for turning tier data for various Phon tiers into a list of morphemes.
Text formatter for milliseconds.
Format time values in miliseconds into parseable strings.
A 'on click' button which includes the following features: - support for multiple actions.
Container for multiple BufferPanels
Java class for namedFeatureSetType complex type.
Dictionary 'names.' The default name is the uri of the loaded dictionary.
Show new graph dialog for the node editor
Dialog displayed when creating a new corpus.
Action for creating a new group in a record.
Add a new record to the current session.
Move SessionEditor to next record.
Basic node editor settings.
The Node wizard servers as the UI layer for opgraph analysis and reports.
Use BreadcrumbButton
Create a html report using data from generated buffers in wizard.
Thrown during compilation when the specified plug-in is not available.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ca.phon.featureset.xml package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ca.phon.ipa.xml package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ca.phon.script.params.history package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
Element offset type for transitions.
Service interface for open file handlers.
Display a list of all available queries from any open QueryAndReportWizard windows.
Display available ResultSets for a session.
Populates a menu with open windows organized by project.
Generic opgragh editor.
Base model for the opgraph editor.
Provides class metadata to editor models.
Syllabifier implementation using operable graphs.
Load opgraph syllabifiers listed in the syllabifier/opgraph.list file.
Editor model for syllabifiers implemented with opgraph.
Help class which reads a list of characters from a CSV file and creates a new features.xml instance with the new ordering of characters.
Extension added to Session objects to keep track of the original source format.
Comment with syntax type:data type is optional
An event written in-line with orthography.
Container for orthographic transcriptions.
Class for building Orthography from various sources.
Orthography formatter
Build contents of phonetic group tree from phon Orthography
The main line transcription.
The main line transcription.
Tier editor for Orthography type.
Capability for iterating the orthographic keys found in the dictionary.
Produce a set of suggested transcriptions for a given Orthography.
Represents punctuation and syntax elements.
Punctuation support in orthography.
Create an IPATranscript from the given Orthography.
Handles conversion from dynamic Ortho token names and their integer type.
Chomps the given string into tokens usable by the PhonTranscriptionParser
Converts the visited orthography elements into a GroupType object useable by JAXB for serialization.
Converts the visited orthography elements into a GroupType object useable by JAXB for serialization.
A word in an orthographic phrase.
Removes any comments, events, or punctuation from Orthography.
Extension for OrthoWord objects providing a list of transcriptions for the given Orthography
Two words joined by a marker.
Symbols used to create wordnets.
Utility class for determining host OS.
UI for modifying OverrideParameter settings for a report/analysis.
Interface for painter classes.
Factory responsible for creating components for script parameter forms.
Manager for ParamHistoryType objects.
Event types
Java class for ParamHistoryType complex type.
Create a script param form.
Java class for paramSection complex type.
Java class for ParamSetType complex type.
Type definition for the param element.
Type definition for the param element.
Immutable participant object.
Keep track of participants and what sessions in which they take part.
Runtime extension for Participant objects.
Basic participant implementation.
UI for editing participant information.
Filter utterances by speaker.
List of possible participant roles.
Helper class providing iterator and visitor methods for Session Participants.
UI for viewing participants in a project.
Java class for participantType complex type.
Java class for participantType complex type.
Session edits involving participants.
Java class for passwordType complex type.
Java class for passwordType complex type.
Paste record from system clipboard.
UI for editing a list of paths
Editor for query patterns with custom syntax highlighting and autocompletion support for phonex.
Supported editing formats
Represents a pause in an IPA transcription.
Pause lengths
Converts a single xml file as a stream from phon's format to talkbank
This class is responsible for turning Phon sessions into chat ANTLR trees.
Wrapper for ActionEvents.
Interface used to perform operations before Phon is started using the BootWindow.
Wrapper method for a static cleaner for the application.
A basic phone consists of the following parts: A (optional) prefix diacritic A base glyph (i.e., Consonant, Vowel, etc.) Combining diacritics Length - measured from 0-3, with 0 being no length modifier A (optional) suffix diacritic
Accurate, Substitutions, Deletions Node (PhoneAccuracyNode) Create a table with the aforementioned columns calculated from the IPA Target, IPA Actual, and Alignment columns of the input table.
Implementation of IndelAligner for IPATranscripts.
Constants for rewards and penalties during alignment
Combine multiple phone matchers.
Phonetic dimensions
Display a list of phonemaps for editing.
Class for alignment change events
Interface for providing 'matching' capabilites for IPAElement objects.
Calculate feature similarity between two IPATranscripts.
Phonetic profile for IPAElement
Autocomplete provider for rsyntaxtextarea phonex editor.
This class provides an empty implementation of PhonexListener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This class provides an empty implementation of PhonexVisitor, which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
Phonex compiler.
Phonex flags
Filter a iterable list of phones based on phonex flags.
Implementation of a phonex state machine.
Source node for data returned from a phonex matcher.
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by PhonexParser.
A special type of IPAElement which represents a reference to a phonex group.
A compiled representation of a phonex expression.
Exception for phonex pattern errors.
Annotation required for phonex plug-ins.
Class to help with loading/finding phonex matcher plugins.
Phonex node settings panel.
Transitions using PhoneMatchers.
This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by PhonexParser.
A panel which prints messages from a given Logger
Generic exception thrown from most media methods.
Media player using vlc4j (including media playback controls.)
Adds Phon's custom nodes to the OpGraph NodeLibrary.
Annotation for used for Phon plugins.
Property names used in the application.
Interface for Phon runtime scripts.
Handles setting up script context, scope and evaluation scripts.
Wrapper exection for PhonScripts
RSyntaxTextArea with ability to control discarding of edits.
Interface used to perform operations before Phon is shutdown.
Starts the Phon application along with a fast Phon splash screen.
Interface used to perform operations before Phon is opened.
A panel which accepts a folder/.xml file which is drag-ed and drop-ed onto the component.
An error during the conversion process.
Handles info messages during conversion.
An message during the conversion process.
Custom base class for antlr parsers.
Static utilities for PhonTalk.
Button for watching phon tasks.
UI action calling FunctionalInterface methods.
Open url with phon:// scheme.
A worker thread for the application.
Helper class for building CHAT trees for the 'pho' element in TalkBank.
Phonetic transcriptions of orthographic forms.
Phonetic transcriptions of orthographic forms.
Java class for phoTypeType.
Java class for phoTypeType.
Extension interface for LongSound objects.
Action for playing current segment in media player.
Action for quickly executing plugin entry points.
Methods for executing plugin entry points using various methods.
Reads the plugin def xml files and provides methods for adding plugin defined menu entries to window menus.
Extension point for the phonex language.
Implements "Phonological Mean Length of Utterance" (Ingram 2002) calculation for PhoneMaps.
Attaches a new PMLU object to every PhoneMap when initialized.
This class provides an empty implementation of PQLListener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This class provides an empty implementation of PQLVisitor, which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
Context for a PQL query.
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by PQL.
Represents a compiled PQL query
This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by PQL.
Open preferences dialog
Application properties module.
Helper class for managing several user preferences.
Matches prefix diacritic portion of the phone.
Provides a matcher for prefix diacritics.
Performs a search of keys (i.e., orthography) of the dictionary and returns all keys which have the given prefix.
Dialog for application preferences.
A panel for the preferences dialog.
Move SessionEditor to previous record.
Interface for a phon project.
Task to archive projects.
Displays a project button for the start dialog.
Class which attempts to detect if a given file folder is an actual Phon project folder.
Wrapper for project events.
Event properties
Event type
Create projects from URLs
Common module frame with project extension.
Listen for changes to project structure and data.
Window for viewing and modifying Participants for a Project.
Path used for project drag invalid input: '&' drop support.
Project extension which provides refresh support for a project.
A button for selecting Project folders.
Java class for ProjectType complex type.
The project window.
Text field with optional prompt.
Text field state
Phone visitor for filtering punctuation in transcriptions.
Punctuation like '.',',',etc.
Punctuation like '.',',',etc.
Quantifier for the phonex language.
Quantifier types.
Interface for a Phon query.
Wizard for executing queries and producing HTML reports.
A factory interface for the creation of query-related objects.
Utility panel for controlling query history for a QueryScript.
Open query history window for given project
Responsible for loading and saving query history files.
A factory class that returns QueryFactory and ResultSetManager instances.
Dynamic building of query menu
Extension for QueryScript objects which provides name information for the script object.
Select query report from file or created using the Report Composer.
Holds the text for a query script.
Query functions
Open the query script editor with given script.
Script library for phon query scripts.
Run a query given a project, session and query script.
Type definition for the query element.
Basic (FIFO) Queue class based on java.util.Vector.
An iterable integer range.
Filters utterances based on their position in the list.
Type definition for the range element.
Helps control load order of plugin extension points.
Setup recent projects menu
Editor view for tier data.
Menu for the Record Data editor view.
Provides plug-in extension point for RecordDataEditorView
Perspective for record editor docking views.
Interface for filtering a list of records.
Displays options for identify records by range, speaker, or search results.
'Ghost' markers are markers which are only visible when the mouse hovers over them.
Interface for handling various mouse events for records in the RecordGrid
Basic record implementation
Provides a UI for selecting IPA transcriptions from dictionaries for the current record.
Displays a number between (min, max).
Iteratable/visitable access for Session Records
A dialog for choosing sort options for records in a session.
A record.
A record.
Handle the redo command for a given UndoManager
Various helper methods which use reflection.
Match phone string against a regular expression.
Access remote project using https URI provided to constructor may have https or phon scheme e.g., or phon://
Remove an orthography->ipa pair from the dictionary.
Utility class to help replace the first comment block in java files for a directory.
Type of possible report options
Report settings.
Tree model for report settings.
A panel used for editing report templates.
Various methods aiding report generation.
Library of query reports.
Class to produce a single, mega-report, from all available report documents.
Add Query Reports as MacroNodes in the graph.
Execute an opgraph report given a project and query.
UI for actions exporting report tables.
Report tree used in OpGraph documents useful for creating report templates.
Report tree viewer displayed at the end of node wizard dialogs such as the query and analysis wizards.
Tree node for report templates.
1-step wizard for creating reports.
Resample given sampled.
Responsible for finding resources for a resource loader.
Load resources of the parameterized type from various types of media.
Interface for the result of a Phon query.
Java class for resultListing complex type.
Java class for resultListingField complex type.
Java class for resultListingFormatType.
Section panel for customizable result listings.
Displays the contents of a resultset using a ResultListingDataSource backend.
Interface for a set of results from a Phon query.
An viewer/editor window for result sets.
Display a result set optionally along with the associated session.
An interface used for anything that manages the retrieval and storage of queries and result sets from a project.
Filter a list of records using a search.
Displays a list of searches in a checkbox tree with the query id being the root.
Implements a selectable table model.
Java class for ResultSetType complex type.
Open session editor with result highlighting when double-clicking result rows in a table.
Type definition for the result element.
A reference to a piece of data in a result.
Type definition for the resultValue element.
Save a segment of sampled audio to given file using fileType and encoding provided during construction.
Helper sampled methods
Sandhi including contraction and linkers.
Display save as...
Save changes on exit dialog.
Save (or name) query param settings in user history.
Dialog for saving canned queries.
Save the Session currently open in the SessionEditor.
Save all buffers with TableDataSource user objects to a new JExcel workbook
An interface that defines a Phon script.
Java class for scriptContainer complex type.
Tree model for OpGraph outline.
Script editor dialog for ScriptNodes
Component for PhonScript forms.
A parameter for a script.
Java class for scriptParam complex type.
Abstract class for script parameter actions.
Extension point for custom script parameters implementations.
Java class for scriptParameter complex type.
Visitor for building HTML strings for script parameters.
A group of script parameters.
Java class for scriptRelType.
Java class for scriptSection complex type.
Java class for scriptTable complex type.
Java class for scriptTableColumn complex type.
Model for a scripted table.
Type definition for the script element.
Link to query script
A search field with optional context button.
Java class for section complex type.
Node used as parents to sections.
Listen for changes in section data.
Implements common options for report section editors.
Provide a utility method for generating report section panels.
Relation types.
Order of segmental relations: Reduplication, Migration, Metathesis, Harmony, Assimilation
Options dialog for segmentation.
Used to calculate the start/end time values for various segment types.
Utility methods for creating segmented buttons.
Simple component which displays two labels for the start/end time of a segment.
Centralized segment playback for the editor with events for playback start/end/progress.
Editor for media segments.
A slice of media time.
A slice of media time.
Java class for segmentUnitType.
Java class for segmentUnitType.
Extension which is added an IPATranscript object if the syllable is prefixed by an IntraWordPause character.
Node used in all anlyses representing the set of selected participants for the analysis.
A session in a project.
Create configuration forms for SessionChecks.
Check sessions for errors.
Main UI for the application.
Base class for SessionEditor Actions.
SessionEditor entry point
A window listener which, on focus, will detect changes to the currently open session on disk and if changes are found will prompt the user to re-load the session.
Overrides the default table search field so that the row filter includes options for dealing with excluded records.
Selection information used for EditorSelectionModel.
Session editor toolbar
Base class for SessionEditor changes.
Undo support for the SessionEditor
Common options use when exporting sessions.
UI for editing session export settings.
A factory for creating mutable session objects.
Default implementation of a session factory.
Open session files in Phon format.
Used to create instances of session readers.
Annotation providing runtime support of Session IO version information.
Handles the data model for the session list in the project window.
Helper classes for holding current and start locations
Media model for a session editor.
Handle merging of sessions
Transcript Metadata
PromptedTextField for session names.
Factory for creating SessionWriters
Helper class for holding location for sessions in a project.
Quick fix for session checks.
Interface for a session reader.
Displays an interface for selection one or more sessions in a given project.
Updates the session selector when session editors open/close.
service provider interface for sessions
Class for constructing an HTML page from a Phon session.
Entry for a session file.
The main session element.
The main session element.
Session validator with plug-in support.
Annotation for session version information.
Interface for writing Session objects to a given OutputStream
Java class for sexType.
Java class for sexType.
Shadow projects are used as temporary projects with the same data and properties as a delegate project.
UI for creating new OpgraphEditor documents using existing documents.
Extension for OpGraphs created using the SimpleEditorPanel.
A basic implementation of a fsa.
Class for executing a SimleFSA in a step-by-step manner for the purpose of debugging.
Phone matcher for sonority distance.
Sonority information used during syllabification.
Provides the phonex 'mdc' (minimum distance constraint) plug-in for syllabification.
Marks phones with sonority annotations for use in phonex expressions.
Java class for SonorityValues complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Displays wavform and associated commands.
Waveform view extension point for the SessionEditor
Extension point for waveform view tiers.
Undo-able edit for splitting groups.
Split current record interval.
A Throwable that's used for passing stack trace info to the logger.
Java class for StageType complex type.
A stress marker.
Compiles a given stress pattern string into a finite state automata.
Provides the plug-in matcher for syllable stress.
Stress type
Basic formatter which simply returns the given string value.
String entry for script parameters.
Provides the suffix diacritic plug-in matcher.
Java class for summarySection complex type.
Search summary
Adds syllabification information to Phones.
Provides the syllable constituent type annotation automagically.
Collection of syllable constituents.
Collection of syllable constituents.
Provides methods for applying the SyllableConstituentType annotations on IPAElements.
Convert a BasicSyllabifier into a new OpGraphSyllabifier graph.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Extension which provides the default syllabifier selection for the session.
Class to help with loading syllabifiers.
Interface used by ServiceLoader to automatically find resource handlers for syllabifiers.
Liset selection component for Syllabifiers
Name and language settings for a syllabifier.
Panel for modifying syllabifier settings such as language and name.
Represents a syllable boundary between words.
Used to detect syllable boundaries.
Simple combo box for selecting a syllable constituen type.
Syllable constituent type matcher for phonex.
Phonex plug-in for syllable constituent type matching.
Parts of a syllable.
Represents syllable stress.
A transition which will match a full syllable unit or the remainder of a syllable.
A phone visitor that breaks a list of phones into syllable.
Tier descriptions for default tiers.
An interface for implementing a report data source in a tabular format.
Base class for script operations on tables.
Search field for applying plain text and regular expression row filters to tables.
Builds ANTLR trees for various CHAT codes which have been enclosed inside parenthesis within the Orthography, Markers, Errors, and Repetition tiers of the record.
Display information about the ANTLR tree and TalkBank XML which will be generated from a single record.
Uses StAX to generate tokens for the ANTLR parser UtteranceParser.
Validates talkbank xml files.
Java class for tgType complex type.
Java class for tgType complex type.
Sets UI theme
A tier in a record.
Contraint object used in TierDataLayouts.
Custom layout management for tier data.
Background painter for components using the TierDataLayout provider.
Buttons for controlling layout options for a given TierDataLayout instance.
JPanel which uses TierDataLayout and TierDataLayoutBgPainter by default.
Interface implemented by layout provider implementations.
Enumeration of available tier data layout types.
Name and grouped information for a tier.
Basic description of a tier.
Iterable/visitor access for Session TierDescriptions.
A change to the value of a group in a tier.
Interface used to load tier editors.
Simple dialog that closes on OK or Cancel.
Create tier editors
Annotation requried for TierEditor IPluginExtensionPoints.
Listener interface for tier editors.
Displays a UI for editing tier name, grouping and font.
Listener for tier group changes.
PromptedTextField for a tier name.
Panel for changing tier ordering, visibility and fonts.
The columns
Select a list of tiers from a table.
Custom String implementation for tiers with extension support.
AWT transferrable for tier data
Changes to the tier view including order, visibility and locking.
An entry for tier ordering, vibility and locking.
Information about tier visibility, font and locking.
Base class for components which display information on a horizontal timeline
The SplitMarker is used when splitting the current record
Time model for UI applications.
Panel with a title, content section, and optional left/right decorations.
A message to the user that is displayed in an un-decorated floating window.
Collection of static methods used to create Toast objects.
Listens for display/close events on a Toast window.
Task to display a toast.
Count the total number of tokens and distinct tokens for each included column.
Java class for TokenType complex type.
Java class for tokenType.
This class will perform the following transformations: σ²¹⁴ sandhi Any σ²¹⁴ followed by another σ²¹⁴ has tone changed to ³⁵ Phonex: (σ:tn("214"))(?>σ:tn("214")) Replace: \1³⁵ Any σ²¹⁴ followed by a σ with tone *not* 214 has tone changed to ²¹ Phonex: (σ:tn("214"))(?>σ:tn("not 214")) Replace: \1²¹ i⁵⁵ sandhi i⁵⁵ followed by any σ⁵¹ has tone changed to ³⁵ Phonex: (\Si:tn("55"))(?>σ:tn("51")) Replace: \1³⁵ i⁵⁵ followed by anything has tone changed to ⁵¹ Phonex: (\Si:tn("55"))(?>\S.+) Replace: \1⁵¹ pu⁵¹ sandhi pu⁵¹ followed by any σ⁵¹ has tone changed to ³⁵ Phonex: (\Spu:tn("51"))(?>σ:tn("51")) Replace: \1³⁵
Matcher for tone information in SyllabificationInfo
Tone plug-in provider.
A transcriber.
Iterator/vistor access for Session Transcribers
Blind transcribers.
Blind transcribers.
Handles conversion of one transcription method to UTF-8 IPA encoding.
Java class for transcriptType complex type.
Java class for transcriptType complex type.
FSA transition type.
An IPADictionary implementation that uses a tokenizer and lookup table for generating ipa transcriptions.
Dictionary which use a tokenizer and lookup table to peform ipa lookups.
Create tokens from a given input string.
Exception used to exit ANTLR tree walkers on first error.
Checking state for TristateCheckBox
Tree component with checkbox controls.
TreeModelEvent sent when changes to checking paths for a node changes.
Tuple of elements.
Tier visibility
Tier visibility
Undo command template.
This class provides an empty implementation of UnicodeIPAListener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This class provides an empty implementation of UnicodeIPAVisitor, which can be extended to create a visitor which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by UnicodeIPAParser.
This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by UnicodeIPAParser.
Java class for UnicodeSequenceType complex type.
A participant implementation for 'unidentified' or unknown participants.
Word which have not been transcribed.
A container for unvalidated data.
Load resources from URLs.
Read xml/opgraph files found in ~/Documents/Phon/reports/
User defined tiers.
User defined tiers.
Editor view used to validate double-blind transcriptions.
Listener for session validation events.
Listen for verification events from a AbstractVerifier
Methods for determining the version number of the application.
Methods for determining the version number of the application.
Actions performed when the application version changes.
Interface for classes which wish to implement the visitor pattern.
Interface for classes which wish to implement the visitor pattern.
Interface for visiting object of the parameterized type.
Interface for visiting object of the parameterized type.
Multiple dispatch visitor adapter.
Multiple dispatch visitor adapter.
Identifies visitor accept() methods for multiple dispatch processing.
Identifies visitor accept() methods for multiple dispatch processing.
Annotation processor for the Visits annotation.
Annotation processor for the Visits annotation.
Helper methods for using vlc4j
Export video and/or audio with the option to transcode the output.
Uses vlc4j to export a media file into a wav file.
Volume model used by all media playback elements in the session editor.
Basic waveform display
Scroll pane for waveform displays providing a timeline and channel actions.
Entry window for the application.
Extension point for adding additional action buttons to the WelcomeWindow.
Create a hidden message window for handling uri load requests on windows.
Provides a wizard for an OpGraph.
Event class for WizardExtension changes.
Listener for wizard extension events.
A basic wizard implementation.
Title, message, and message format.
A single step in a wizard.
Aligned word access for a record.
Represents a boundary between words (i.e., a 'space'.)
Transition for matching word boundaries.
Codes for word prefix.
normalized end time for word in group
Word suffix codes.
A single word.
A single word.
Breaks a transcript into individual words.
Factory for creating common workbook formats.
Utility methods for working with Excel workbook files.
Opens the workspace window.
Start window panel for workspace projects.
Layout provider which wraps groups components.
Reads in a talkbank XML file using SAX and JAXB.
Settings UI for phontalk
Converts a single stream of tb xml into phon xml
Utility class to contain basic XML values as constants.
Visitor implementation for xml stream events.
Extension point for the XML-based implementation of the query interfaces.
Similar to XMLQuery, except loading of result set data is lazy (i.e., delayed as long as possible).
Similar to XMLResultSet, except loading of result set data is lazy (i.e., delayed as long as possible).
ANTLR3 lexer for XML files using the StAX API (XMLEventReader) to pull tokens from the xml stream.
A class that reads objects from a given XML stream.
Creates XMLObjectReader for given QName references.
XML-based implementation of Query.
XML-based implementation of QueryFactory.
XML-based implementation of QueryManager.
XML-based implementation of Result.
XML-based implementation of ResultSet.
An implementation of ResultSetManager that implements an XML-based system.
A result value used in the XMLResult.
An XML-based implementation of Script.
Annotation that declares the elements that can be procesed using the associated xml reader/writer.
XML Serializer.
Obtain instances of XMLSerializer objects.
Session XML reader for session files with version 'PB1.2'
Session XML reader for session files with version '1.3'