Class SpeechAnalysisEditorView

All Implemented Interfaces:
IExtendable, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public class SpeechAnalysisEditorView extends EditorView
Displays wavform and associated commands.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SpeechAnalysisEditorView

      public SpeechAnalysisEditorView(SessionEditor editor)
  • Method Details

    • getPluginTiers

      public List<SpeechAnalysisTier> getPluginTiers()
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from class: EditorView
      View name
      Specified by:
      getName in class EditorView
      the view name
    • getToolbar

      public JToolBar getToolbar()
    • onEscape

      public void onEscape(PhonActionEvent<Void> pae)
    • onEnter

      public void onEnter(PhonActionEvent<Void> pae)
    • onExportSelectionOrSegment

      public void onExportSelectionOrSegment()
    • exportSelection

      public void exportSelection()
    • exportSegment

      public void exportSegment()
    • exportInterval

      public void exportInterval(TimeUIModel.Interval interval)
    • exportInterval

      public void exportInterval(float startTime, float endTime)
    • playPause

      public void playPause()
    • playSelection

      public void playSelection()
    • playSegment

      public void playSegment()
    • isPlaying

      public boolean isPlaying()
    • stopPlaying

      public void stopPlaying()
    • getTimeModel

      public TimeUIModel getTimeModel()
    • getCursorMarker

      public TimeUIModel.Marker getCursorMarker()
    • clearSelection

      public void clearSelection()
      Clear current selection interval (if any)
    • setSelection

      public TimeUIModel.Interval setSelection(float startTime, float endTime)
      Set selection interval
      startTime -
      endTime -
      selection interval
    • getSelectionInterval

      public TimeUIModel.Interval getSelectionInterval()
      Selection interval for the view.
      selection interval or null if no selection is present
    • getCurrentRecordInterval

      public TimeUIModel.Interval getCurrentRecordInterval()
      Interval for current current record. Changes to this interval will be reflected in the media segment tier for the current editor record (if any.)
      current record interval or null if no record is currently loaded
    • getCursorAndSelectionAdapter

      public MouseAdapter getCursorAndSelectionAdapter()
    • getContextMenuAdapter

      public MouseAdapter getContextMenuAdapter()
    • getWaveformTier

      public SpeechAnalysisWaveformTier getWaveformTier()
      Default tier for the view
      waveform tier
    • getWindowStart

      public float getWindowStart()
      Return the start time of the visible rect
    • getWindowEnd

      public float getWindowEnd()
    • getWindowStartX

      public double getWindowStartX()
    • getWindowEndX

      public double getWindowEndX()
    • getWindowLength

      public float getWindowLength()
    • scrollToRecord

      public void scrollToRecord(Record r)
    • update

      public void update()
    • scrollToTime

      public void scrollToTime(float time)
    • getIcon

      public ImageIcon getIcon()
      Description copied from class: EditorView
      View icon
      Specified by:
      getIcon in class EditorView
      view icon
    • getMenu

      public JMenu getMenu()
      Description copied from class: EditorView
      Get the menu for the view (if any)
      Specified by:
      getMenu in class EditorView
      menu for the view or null if this view does not have a menu
    • getPreferredDockPosition

      public DockPosition getPreferredDockPosition()
      Description copied from class: EditorView
      Gets the preferred dock position for the view
      getPreferredDockPosition in class EditorView
      preferred dock position
    • getErrorPane

      public JPanel getErrorPane()