Interface PluginProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
AnyDiacriticPluginProvider, CombiningDiacriticPluginProvider, DiphthongPluginProvider, PrefixDiacriticPluginProvider, SonorityMdcPlugin, StressPluginProvider, SuffixDiacriticPluginProvider, SyllableConstituentPluginProvider, ToneNumberPluginProvider

public interface PluginProvider

Extension point for the phonex language. To add a new plug-in matcher for the phonex langauge, perform the following steps:

  • Create a type implementing this interface
  • Add to the new type an annotation '@PhonexPlugin("<name>")', where name is the identifier for the plug-in matcher.
  • Create (or modifiy) a file META-INF/services/ca.phon.phonex.PluginProvider with a line containing the full name of the new type.
  • For an example, see

    invalid @link

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Create a new matcher for the given input string.