Interface ProjectFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultProjectFactory, DesktopProjectFactory

public interface ProjectFactory
Create projects from URLs
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    createProject(File projectFolder)
    Create project at the specified folder.
    openProject(File projectFolder)
    Open a project from the specified folder.
  • Method Details

    • openProject

      Project openProject(File projectFolder) throws IOException, ProjectConfigurationException
      Open a project from the specified folder.
      projectFolder -
      IOException - if the given file object is not a folder or does not exist
      ProjectConfigurationException - if the given folder is not a phon project
    • createProject

      Project createProject(File projectFolder) throws IOException
      Create project at the specified folder. The name of the project will automatically be set to the value of the final path element.
      projectFolder -
      IOException - if a problem occurs while trying to access/write to the given location