Interface PhonStartupHook

All Known Implementing Classes:
AutosaveStartupHook, CreateWorkspaceStartupHook, FontStartupHook, IPADictionaryInitHook, ObjectLoaderHook, PhonDesktopStartupHook, ThemeHook, VLCInitHook, WindowsURIHandler

public interface PhonStartupHook
Interface used to perform operations before Phon is opened. This hook will always be called when Phon starts, unlike PhonBootHook which is only called when using the BootWindow. PhonStartupHooks are executed just before the first module is called. A use case for this class is to change the execution flow of the application.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Perform whatever operations are necessary for plug-in startup.
  • Method Details

    • startup

      void startup() throws PluginException
      Perform whatever operations are necessary for plug-in startup.
      PluginException - on error. Excpetions will be printed to the logger