Class LazyRecord

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class LazyRecord extends Object implements RecordSPI
  • Method Details

    • getUuid

      public UUID getUuid()
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Record id
      Specified by:
      getUuid in interface RecordSPI
    • setUuid

      public void setUuid(UUID id)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Set id for the record
      Specified by:
      setUuid in interface RecordSPI
    • getSpeaker

      public Participant getSpeaker()
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      The participant (speaker). As of Phon 2.2, this method will return Participant.UNKNOWN instead of null
      Specified by:
      getSpeaker in interface RecordSPI
    • setSpeaker

      public void setSpeaker(Participant participant)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Set the participant
      Specified by:
      setSpeaker in interface RecordSPI
    • getSegment

      public Tier<MediaSegment> getSegment()
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Get media segment
      Specified by:
      getSegment in interface RecordSPI
    • setSegment

      public void setSegment(Tier<MediaSegment> media)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Set media segment
      Specified by:
      setSegment in interface RecordSPI
    • isExcludeFromSearches

      public boolean isExcludeFromSearches()
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Should we exclude this record from searches?
      Specified by:
      isExcludeFromSearches in interface RecordSPI
    • setExcludeFromSearches

      public void setExcludeFromSearches(boolean excluded)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Set exclusion from searches.
      Specified by:
      setExcludeFromSearches in interface RecordSPI
    • getOrthography

      public Tier<Orthography> getOrthography()
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Get the orthography tier.
      Specified by:
      getOrthography in interface RecordSPI
      orthography tier
    • setOrthography

      public void setOrthography(Tier<Orthography> ortho)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Set the value of the orthography tier.
      Specified by:
      setOrthography in interface RecordSPI
    • getIPATarget

      public Tier<IPATranscript> getIPATarget()
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Get the IPA Target tier
      Specified by:
      getIPATarget in interface RecordSPI
      the ipa target tier
    • setIPATarget

      public void setIPATarget(Tier<IPATranscript> ipa)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Set the value of the IPA Actual tier
      Specified by:
      setIPATarget in interface RecordSPI
    • getIPAActual

      public Tier<IPATranscript> getIPAActual()
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Get the IPA Actual tier
      Specified by:
      getIPAActual in interface RecordSPI
      the ipa actual tier
    • setIPAActual

      public void setIPAActual(Tier<IPATranscript> ipa)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Set the IPA Actual tier
      Specified by:
      setIPAActual in interface RecordSPI
    • getPhoneAlignment

      public Tier<PhoneMap> getPhoneAlignment()
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Get the phone alignment between IPA Target and IPA Actual
      Specified by:
      getPhoneAlignment in interface RecordSPI
      phone alignment
    • setPhoneAlignment

      public void setPhoneAlignment(Tier<PhoneMap> phoneAlignment)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Set the phone alignment
      Specified by:
      setPhoneAlignment in interface RecordSPI
    • getNotes

      public Tier<TierString> getNotes()
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Get the value of the notes tier
      Specified by:
      getNotes in interface RecordSPI
      the notes tier
    • setNotes

      public void setNotes(Tier<TierString> notes)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Set the value of the notes tier
      Specified by:
      setNotes in interface RecordSPI
    • getTierType

      public Class<?> getTierType(String name)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Get the register type of the given tier.
      Specified by:
      getTierType in interface RecordSPI
      the tier type
    • getTier

      public <T> Tier<T> getTier(String name, Class<T> type)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Get the given tier with the expected type.
      Specified by:
      getTier in interface RecordSPI
      the specified tier or null if a tier with the given name and type are not found.
    • getTier

      public Tier<?> getTier(String name)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Get the given tier with unspecified typing.
      Specified by:
      getTier in interface RecordSPI
    • getExtraTierNames

      public Set<String> getExtraTierNames()
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Return a list of user-defined tiers that are present in this record.
      Specified by:
      getExtraTierNames in interface RecordSPI
      the list of tier user-defined tier names present in this record
    • hasTier

      public boolean hasTier(String name)
      Specified by:
      hasTier in interface RecordSPI
      true if this record contains the specified tier
    • putTier

      public void putTier(Tier<?> tier)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Add/set the given tier to the list of user defined tiers.
      Specified by:
      putTier in interface RecordSPI
    • removeTier

      public void removeTier(String name)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Remove the dependent tier with the given name.
      Specified by:
      removeTier in interface RecordSPI
    • getNumberOfComments

      public int getNumberOfComments()
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      number of comments
      Specified by:
      getNumberOfComments in interface RecordSPI
      number of comments
    • getComment

      public Comment getComment(int idx)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      get comment at given index
      Specified by:
      getComment in interface RecordSPI
    • addComment

      public void addComment(Comment comment)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Add comment
      Specified by:
      addComment in interface RecordSPI
    • removeComment

      public void removeComment(Comment comment)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Remove comment
      Specified by:
      removeComment in interface RecordSPI
    • removeComment

      public void removeComment(int idx)
      Specified by:
      removeComment in interface RecordSPI
    • getTiersOfType

      public <T> List<Tier<T>> getTiersOfType(Class<T> type)
      Description copied from interface: RecordSPI
      Return a list of all present tiers which have the given type.
      Specified by:
      getTiersOfType in interface RecordSPI
      list of tiers