Interface Visitable<T>

Record Components:
T - the parameterized type of the visitor to accept. This should be the base type of the objects being visited.
All Known Implementing Classes:
AlignmentMarker, CompoundPhone, CompoundWordMarker, Contraction, Diacritic, IntonationGroup, IntraWordPause, IPAElement, IPATranscript, Linker, Orthography, Participants, Pause, Phone, PhonexMatcherReference, Records, Sandhi, ScriptParameters, StressMarker, SyllableBoundary, TierDescriptions, Transcribers, WordBoundary

public interface Visitable<T>
Interface for classes which wish to implement the visitor pattern.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    accept(Visitor<T> visitor)
    Accept the given visitor.
  • Method Details

    • accept

      void accept(Visitor<T> visitor)
      Accept the given visitor.
      the - visitor