Class PhoneAccuracyNode

All Implemented Interfaces:, ca.phon.opgraph.dag.Vertex, ca.phon.opgraph.extensions.Extendable

public final class PhoneAccuracyNode extends TableOpNode implements
Accurate, Substitutions, Deletions Node (PhoneAccuracyNode) Create a table with the aforementioned columns calculated from the IPA Target, IPA Actual, and Alignment columns of the input table. While optional, syllabifaction info can be provided for the IPA Target and IPA Actual values using the Target Syllabification and Acutal Syllabification columns respectively. A position column is also included the value of which will be a combination of the constituent type along with the index position of the phone within the search result. Epenthesized phones are given a position endwing with '+' where the index is the position of the last target phone position. For example: Given input rows (all onset clusters): | IPA Target | IPA Actual | Alignment | |------------|------------|------------------| | br | r | b->0, r->r | | br | kr | b->k, r->r | | br | slr | 0->s, b->l, r->r | | br | blr | b->b, 0->l, r->r | | br | brt | b->b, r->r, 0->t | The table rows produced would be: | IPA Target | Phone | Position | Count | Accurate | Substitutions | Deletions | Epenthesis | |------------|-------|----------|-------|----------|---------------|-----------|------------| | br | b | O1 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | | br | r | O2 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | br | s | +O0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | | br | l | +O1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | | br | t | +O2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
  • Constructor Details

    • PhoneAccuracyNode

      public PhoneAccuracyNode()
  • Method Details

    • operate

      public void operate(ca.phon.opgraph.OpContext context) throws ca.phon.opgraph.exceptions.ProcessingException
      Specified by:
      operate in class ca.phon.opgraph.OpNode
    • isIgnoreDiacritics

      public boolean isIgnoreDiacritics()
    • setIgnoreDiacritics

      public void setIgnoreDiacritics(boolean ignoreDiacritics)
    • isOnlyOrExcept

      public boolean isOnlyOrExcept()
    • setOnlyOrExcept

      public void setOnlyOrExcept(boolean onlyOrExcept)
    • getSelectedDiacritics

      public Collection<Diacritic> getSelectedDiacritics()
    • setSelectedDiacritics

      public void setSelectedDiacritics(Collection<Diacritic> selectedDiacritics)
    • isIncludeEpenthesis

      public boolean isIncludeEpenthesis()
    • setIncludeEpenthesis

      public void setIncludeEpenthesis(boolean includeEpenthesis)
    • isAddAccuracyColumns

      public boolean isAddAccuracyColumns()
    • setAddAccuracyColumns

      public void setAddAccuracyColumns(boolean addAccuracyColumns)
    • getComponent

      public Component getComponent( document)
      Specified by:
      getComponent in interface
    • getSettings

      public Properties getSettings()
      Specified by:
      getSettings in interface
    • loadSettings

      public void loadSettings(Properties properties)
      Specified by:
      loadSettings in interface