Class MorphemeParser


public class MorphemeParser extends Object
This class is responsible for turning tier data for various Phon tiers into a list of morphemes. E.g., The following is an example which shows values from three tiers (identified by letter) and the corresponding alignments. Tokens are in the form A1, B1, etc., but would be the values from our dictionary in practice. '~' or '+' indicates a morpheme boundary within a word; spaces are word boundaries; and '*' is used as a filler within the tier text.
 Tier 1: A1 A2~A3 A4+A5~A6

 Tier 2: B1 B2 B3+*~B4~B5

 Tier 3: * *~C1 C2+C3~C4

 # of aligned morpheme sets: 7 (determined by tier with most morphemes)
         1) A1, B1, *,
         2) A2, B2, *
         3) A3, *, C1
         4) A4, B3, C2
         5) A5, *, C3
         6) A6, B4, C4
     7) *, B5, *
  • Constructor Details

    • MorphemeParser

      public MorphemeParser()
  • Method Details