Class MediaPlayerEditorView

All Implemented Interfaces:
IExtendable, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public class MediaPlayerEditorView extends EditorView
Panel for embedded media player for editor.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • MediaPlayerEditorView

      public MediaPlayerEditorView(SessionEditor editor)
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from class: EditorView
      View name
      Specified by:
      getName in class EditorView
      the view name
    • getPlayer

      public PhonMediaPlayer getPlayer()
    • onLoadMedia

      public void onLoadMedia(PhonActionEvent pae)
      Called when we need to refresh the media player. Media players need to be refreshed when the PlayerCanvas they are listening to becomes invalid.
      pae -
    • onLoadMedia

      public void onLoadMedia(EditorEvent ee)
    • onSessionChanged

      public void onSessionChanged(EditorEvent<Session> ee)
    • reloadMedia

      public void reloadMedia()
    • onMenuSelectGoto

      public void onMenuSelectGoto(PhonActionEvent pae) throws ParseException
    • onMenuGoto

      public void onMenuGoto(PhonActionEvent pae)
    • onMenuPlayto

      public void onMenuPlayto(PhonActionEvent pae)
    • onToggleAdjustVideo

      public void onToggleAdjustVideo()
      Toggle the option to trun on/off moving video with the current record (while paused.)
    • isAdjustVideo

      public boolean isAdjustVideo()
      Should the media position move with the current record.
    • getIcon

      public ImageIcon getIcon()
      Description copied from class: EditorView
      View icon
      Specified by:
      getIcon in class EditorView
      view icon
    • getMenu

      public JMenu getMenu()
      Description copied from class: EditorView
      Get the menu for the view (if any)
      Specified by:
      getMenu in class EditorView
      menu for the view or null if this view does not have a menu
    • getPreferredDockPosition

      public DockPosition getPreferredDockPosition()
      Description copied from class: EditorView
      Gets the preferred dock position for the view
      getPreferredDockPosition in class EditorView
      preferred dock position