Class SegmentalRelation

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SegmentalRelation extends Object implements Comparable<SegmentalRelation>

This package provides detectors for Harmony and Metathesis in aligned IPA Transcriptions.


  • The set of all IPA characters is denoted by ℙ. Likewise the mutually exclusive sets of all consonants and all vowels are represented by ℂ and 𝕍 respectively.
  • T is the target IPA transcription. T = [t1, t2, … , tn], ti ∈ ℙ
  • A is the actual IPA transcription. A = [a1, a2, … , am], ai ∈ ℙ
  • M is a 2 X k matrix containing pair-wise alignment of T and A. k is the pre-calculated length of the alignment. Elements from T are contained in the first row while elements from A are contained in the second row. There may be indels contained in the alignment (i.e., deletions or epenthesis in A) which are indicated by null values. Indels may occur on the first row, indicating epenthesis, or the second row for deletions.


    t1 t2 tn
    a1 a2 am
  • There exists a function profile(p), ∀ p ∈ ℙ, which provides a set of values for the phonetic? dimensions of p. profile(p) is defined as:

    profile(p) =

    { place(p), manner(p), voicing(p) } if p ∈ ℂ
    { height(p), backness(p), tenseness(p), rounding(p) } if p ∈ 𝕍

    In most functions, dimensions are treated independently and the virtual function dim(p) is used to represent any dimension.