Class TimelineView

All Implemented Interfaces:
IExtendable, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public final class TimelineView extends EditorView
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getTimebar

      public Timebar getTimebar()
    • getToolbar

      public JToolBar getToolbar()
    • getTierPanel

      public JComponent getTierPanel()
    • getWaveformTier

      public TimelineWaveformTier getWaveformTier()
    • getRecordTier

      public TimelineRecordTier getRecordTier()
    • getTimeModel

      public TimeUIModel getTimeModel()
    • scrollToTime

      public void scrollToTime(float time)
    • scrollToRecord

      public void scrollToRecord(Record r)
      Centers view on given record
      r -
    • scrollRectToVisible

      public void scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle rect)
      scrollRectToVisible in class JComponent
    • getWindowStart

      public float getWindowStart()
      Get start time of visible timeline
    • getWindowEnd

      public float getWindowEnd()
      Get end time of visible timeline
    • getWindowStartX

      public double getWindowStartX()
    • getWindowEndX

      public double getWindowEndX()
    • getWindowLength

      public float getWindowLength()
    • onExportSelectionOrSegment

      public void onExportSelectionOrSegment()
    • exportSelection

      public void exportSelection()
    • exportSegment

      public void exportSegment()
    • exportInterval

      public void exportInterval(TimeUIModel.Interval interval)
    • exportInterval

      public void exportInterval(float startTime, float endTime)
    • playPause

      public void playPause()
    • playSelection

      public void playSelection()
    • playSegment

      public void playSegment()
    • isPlaying

      public boolean isPlaying()
    • stopPlaying

      public void stopPlaying()
    • toggleSegmentation

      public void toggleSegmentation()
    • getContextMenuListener

      public MouseListener getContextMenuListener()
    • addMenuHandler

      public void addMenuHandler(BiConsumer<MenuBuilder,Boolean> handler)
    • removeMenuHandler

      public boolean removeMenuHandler(Consumer<MenuBuilder> handler)
    • getMenu

      public JMenu getMenu()
      Description copied from class: EditorView
      Get the menu for the view (if any)
      Specified by:
      getMenu in class EditorView
      menu for the view or null if this view does not have a menu
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from class: EditorView
      View name
      Specified by:
      getName in class EditorView
      the view name
    • getIcon

      public ImageIcon getIcon()
      Description copied from class: EditorView
      View icon
      Specified by:
      getIcon in class EditorView
      view icon
    • repaint

      public void repaint()
      repaint in class Component
    • repaintVisible

      public void repaintVisible()
    • repaintInterval

      public void repaintInterval(TimeUIModel.Interval interval)
    • repaint

      public void repaint(long tn, float startTime, float endTime)