Class ToneFixes

All Implemented Interfaces:
IPALookupPostProcessor, IPluginExtensionPoint<IPALookupPostProcessor>

This class will perform the following transformations:
  • σ²¹⁴ sandhi
    • Any σ²¹⁴ followed by another σ²¹⁴ has tone changed to ³⁵
      • Phonex: (σ:tn("214"))(?>σ:tn("214"))
      • Replace: \1³⁵
    • Any σ²¹⁴ followed by a σ with tone *not* 214 has tone changed to ²¹
      • Phonex: (σ:tn("214"))(?>σ:tn("not 214"))
      • Replace: \1²¹
  • i⁵⁵ sandhi
    • i⁵⁵ followed by any σ⁵¹ has tone changed to ³⁵
      • Phonex: (\Si:tn("55"))(?>σ:tn("51"))
      • Replace: \1³⁵
    • i⁵⁵ followed by anything has tone changed to ⁵¹
      • Phonex: (\Si:tn("55"))(?>\S.+)
      • Replace: \1⁵¹
  • pu⁵¹ sandhi
    • pu⁵¹ followed by any σ⁵¹ has tone changed to ³⁵
      • Phonex: (\Spu:tn("51"))(?>σ:tn("51"))
      • Replace: \1³⁵