Class WizardFrame

All Implemented Interfaces:
IExtendable, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, RootPaneContainer, WindowConstants
Direct Known Subclasses:
AnonymizeParticipantInfoWizard, BreadcrumbWizardFrame, DeriveSessionWizard, GitCommitWizard, ReportWizard

public class WizardFrame extends CommonModuleFrame
A basic wizard implementation. Since Phon 2.2, this component includes a breadCrumb viewer which is not shown by default. To display the breadCrumb, use the setBreadcrumbVisible() method.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • buttonPanel

      protected JPanel buttonPanel
    • btnBack

      protected JButton btnBack
    • btnNext

      protected JButton btnNext
    • btnFinish

      protected JButton btnFinish
    • btnCancel

      protected JButton btnCancel
    • stepPanel

      protected JPanel stepPanel
  • Constructor Details

    • WizardFrame

      public WizardFrame(String title)
  • Method Details

    • getStepIndex

      public int getStepIndex(WizardStep step)
    • getWizardStep

      public WizardStep getWizardStep(int idx)
    • addWizardStep

      public void addWizardStep(int idx, WizardStep ws)
    • addWizardStep

      public void addWizardStep(WizardStep ws)
    • addWizardStep

      public WizardStep addWizardStep(JComponent comp)
    • removeWizardStep

      public void removeWizardStep(WizardStep ws)
    • removeAllSteps

      public void removeAllSteps()
    • numberOfSteps

      public int numberOfSteps()
    • gotoStep

      public void gotoStep(int stepIndex)
    • setupButtons

      protected void setupButtons()
    • next

      protected void next()
    • prev

      protected void prev()
    • finish

      protected void finish()
    • cancel

      protected void cancel()
    • setVisible

      public void setVisible(boolean vis)
      setVisible in class Window
    • getCurrentStep

      public WizardStep getCurrentStep()
    • getCurrentStepIndex

      public int getCurrentStepIndex()
    • showWizard

      public void showWizard()
    • showBusyLabel

      protected void showBusyLabel(JComponent comp)
    • stopBusyLabel

      protected void stopBusyLabel()
    • addListener

      public void addListener(WizardListener listener)
    • removeListener

      public void removeListener(WizardListener listener)
    • fireWizardEvent

      public void fireWizardEvent(WizardEvent event)