Record Data

The Record Data view displays tier data for the current record. Each tier in the session is displayed in the order defined in the Tier Management view. Watch the video below for an introduction to the Record Data view.Watch the video below for an introduction to the Tier Management view.

Phon records are divided laterally into phonetic groups. Tiers in Phon may be grouped, in which case each group is enclosed in a set of brackets, or ungrouped (i.e., the tier only has one group.) In the example below, the Notes, Segment, and Translation tiers are ungrouped while the Orthography, IPA Target, and IPA Actual tiers are grouped. For more information about entering data into Phon tiers see the Transcription section of this manual.

Figure 1. Record Data View
Record Data View

Group Actions

The following actions modify the number of groups in a record:

New Group

Add a new word group to a record.

From the Record Data view:
  1. Position the cursor in the Orthography tier within a group.

  2. Click the New record after current button in the Record Data view, or select the View > Record Data > New record after current (CMD/CTRL+G) menu item.

    A new group will be created after the current group.

Merge Group

Merge multiple word groups into a single word group.

From the Record Data view:
  1. Position the cursor inside a group in the Orthography tier which you would like to merge with a following group.

  2. Click the Merge group with next button in the Record Data view, or select the View > Record Data > Merge group with next (OPT/ALT+G) menu item.

    The adjacent groups will be merged into a single group, with a space between the original contents.

Split Group

Split the contents of a group.

From the Record Data view:
  1. Position the cursor inside a group in the Orthography tier where the group should be split (at or after a space between words).

  2. Click the Split group button in the Record Data view, or select the View > Record Data > Split group (OPT/ALT+K) menu item.

    The group data will be split into two separate groups. If only one word was present in the group, an empty preceding group will be created. Only data in the Orthography tier will be divided. Other grouped tiers may require manual editing.

Delete Group

Delete a word group.

From the Record Data view:
  1. Position the cursor inside a group in the Orthography tier that you wish to delete.

  2. Click the Delete current group button in the Record Data view, or select the View > Record Data > Delete current group (OPT/ALT+Shift+CMD+G) menu item.

    The selected group will be deleted, including all data in aligned groups.

Tier Context Menu

The following actions are available from the tier context menu which appears when clickin the the tier name in the record data view.

Copy Tier

Copy tier data to clipboard. Data may be pasted into another tier using the paste tier action. For IPA Tiers, this will also retain syllabification for the copied data.

Paste Tier

Paste data from clipboard into the specified tier. Clipboard data may come from the copy tier action, or by any text content. Use brackets to define groups, if no groups are defined all data will be placed into the first group. New groups will be created if necessary.

Tier Visiblity/Locking

Use the Hide tier/Lock tier menu items to modify tier visibility and locking.

Tier Font

Tier fonts may be modified using the context menu. Options to modfify style and size are available as well as access to a font selection dialog. To scale the display of tiers using the font scaling method described below.

Move Tier

To change the position of the tier in the Record Data view, use the Move tier up/down actions.

New Tier

Select New tier... to create a new tier which will appear after the specified tier.

Duplicate Tier

Select Duplicate tier... to duplicate the contents of a tier into a new tier which will appear after the specified tier. You will be prompted to enter a new tier name.

Exclude Record from Queries

Exclude selected records from queries.

From the Record Data view, with the record you wish to exclude focused:
  1. Select the check box to the right of the speaker's name.

    When running a query, this record will be excluded from the search.
    Note: To include previously excluded records in a session level query, from the Query view, select the Include excluded records check box.

Find & Replace

The Find & Replace UI of the Record Data view can be displayed using the Edit > Find & Replace, use the CMD/CTRL+F menu item of the Session Editor or by clicking the find & replace button in the toolbar of the Record Data view. Use the combo box to select tier for search. Search expression may be in plain text, regular expression, or phonex. See Find and Replace View for the legacy Find & Replace UI allowing for more fine-grained control over expressions in individual tiers.

Figure 2. Record Data: Find & Replace
Record Data: Find & Replace

Font Scaling

Font size can be adjusted using the Font size button in the toolbar. Clicking this button will display a popup menu allowing adjustment of font size in the record data view using a slider. This value will be remembered between instances of the Session Editor.