
Each session consists of a series of records. A record is, in general, a single uttrance from a participant in the session. Read the Transcription chapter for more information about Phon records.


The following session-level actions are available for records. These actions can be found int the Session window menu and in the toolbar.

Add New Record

Add a new record to an existing session.

From the Session Editor window:
  1. Display the record after which you would like to create a new record and click the New record button in the top left corner of the Session Editor or choose the Session > New Record (CMD/CTRL+N) menu item.

    This will create a new record immediately following the selected record. The new record will be visible from the Record Data view.

Copy Record

Copy all visible Record Data information to the clipboard.

From the Session Editor window:
  1. Display the record you wish to copy and choose the Session > Copy record menu item (Shift+CMD+C).

    All visible tiers will be copied to the clipboard, with tier names and tier data separated by tabs. It can be pasted into the Session Editor as a new record, or into another window.
    Note: When pasted into a word processor, you will likely be able to automatically convert the copied record into a table. Ensure that you use tabs to separate cells.

Duplicate Record

Duplicate a record in an existing session.

From the Session Editor window:
  1. Display the record which you would like to duplicate and click the Duplicate record button in the top left corner of the Session Editor or choose the Session > Duplicate record (CMD/CTRL+D) menu item.

    This will create a duplicate record immediately following the original. The duplicate record will be visible from the Record Data view.

Cut Record

Copy all visible Record Data information to the clipboard and delete current record.

From the Session Editor window:
  1. Dispaly the record you wish to cut and choose the Session > Cut record menu item (Shift+CMD+X).

    All visible tiers will be copied to the clipboard, and then the record will be deleted. It can be pasted into the Session Editor as a new record, or into another window.
    Note: When pasted into a word processor, you will likely be able to automatically convert the copied record into a table. Ensure that you use tabs to separate cells.

Paste Record

Paste a record from the clipboard into the Session Editor.

From the Session Editor window:
  1. Display the record after which you would like to paste, and choose the Session > Paste record menu item (Shift+CMD+V).

    The record will be created in the Session Editor directly after the currently visible record.

Delete Record

Delete a record from an existing session.

From the Session Editor window:
  1. Display the record that you would like to delete and choose the Session > Delete Record (CMD/CTRL+E) menu item.

    A dialog will appear asking you to confirm that you would like to delete this record and informing you that this action cannot be undone.
  2. If you are unsure, click No. To continue and delete the record, click Yes.

    The record will no longer appear in the Record Data view; the next record will be displayed.

View Record List

View a list of records in a session.

From the Session Editor window:
  1. Click the drop down menu on the left of the Search bar and select Open Record List, or click within the empty Search bar and press Enter. Alternately, you may enter a search term in the Search bar and open a list of only records containing that term.

    This will open the Record List view, which shows a list of the records in a session with their Record # and all tier information.
    Note: To arrange by a column, click on its header. To reorder columns, click and drag their header to the left or right.
  2. Click on any record in the list to navigate to it in the Session Editor.

Sort Records

Sort records in an existing session by start time.

From the Session Editor window:
  1. Choose the Session > Sort records... menu item.

    The Sort Records dialog will appear.
  2. Click the Sort by: menu and select a tier by which to sort your records. For example, you may sort your records in chronological order (by choosing Segment), or alphabetically by their Orthography.

    Note: You may choose up to three tiers by which to sort your records; they will be sorted by the first chosen tier, and then records with the same information in the first tier will be sorted by the next chosen tier, and so forth.
  3. By default, records will be sorted in ascending order. To sort in descending order by any tier, select descending.

  4. When you have finished selecting sort options, click Ok. If you do not wish to sort records at this time, click Cancel.

    The records for the current session will be sorted by the tier(s) you have chosen.