View Result Set
View a Result Set from a query.
Double-click on a result set.
The Results window will open alongside the session in which the results were found. Each result will be displayed with its Record #, Speaker, Result, and any associated metadata.Note: To open only the Results window, deselect Open session with result set before opening a result set.Note: To arrange results by a certain column, click on its header. To reorder columns, click and drag their header to the left or right. To further change column view options, click on the icon to the right of the column headers. -
To view a result in the Session Editor, click on it in the Results window.
The record in which the result was found will be displayed, with the result highlighted in the Record Data view. -
To exclude an extraneous result from the list, select it and choose the Show excluded results.
menu item or press Delete/Backspace. You can show or hide excluded results by selecting or deselecting -
To save any changes to a result set, click Save.
Result Set Actions
Save Table as CSV
Save the table visible in the Results window as a CSV file.
Click Save table as CSV....
A browse window will appear, prompting you to choose a file name and directory in which to save the table. -
Choose a file name and directory for your table and click Save.
The table in the Results window will be saved as a CSV file in the chosen directory.Note: If excluded records are currently visible, they will be included in the CSV file.
Filter Results
Search within the results table.
Enter your search term in the Filter results bar.
A list of all results containing your search term will be displayed, showing their Record #, Speaker, and Result. If there are no results, this list will be empty.Note: To search within a specific column (or multiple columns), click the drop down arrow to the left of the search bar and select it in the list. Options are also available to allow you to Use regular expression or to make your search Case sensitive. -
To clear the Search bar, click Clear field/X.
Edit Table Columns
Add, remove, edit, or reorder columns currently visible in the Results window.
Click the Edit table columns... button or choose the menu item.
This will open the Edit Columns dialog, which shows the current columns of the table and their options. -
To add a column to the table, click Add field.../+ and select a field name from the list. Alternatively, you may select Custom from the list to create a custom field.
Note: Creating a custom field may require some familiarity with Javascript. -
To remove a column from the table, select it and click Remove selected field/- or press Delete/Backspace.
To re-order a column, select it and use the up/down arrows to move it higher or lower in the outline.