Query and Report Wizard

The query and report wizard is displayed when executing any query. The wizard has three main steps:

  1. Query - enter query settings and execute query.

  2. Report Composer - choose and configure report sections.

  3. Report - Generate and view report.

Step 1: Query

The first step of the query wizard is to select sessions enter query parameters. Once query paremeters have been entered, click the 'Run Query' button (shortcut F7) to execute the query. After a query has completed you may open individual session results or continue to Step 2: Report Composer.

Query Wizard

Named Queries

Named queries are available via a combo-box menu in the top-right portion of the query parameters section. To save the current set of parameters as a new named query using the save button and the end of the toolbar and choose 'Name Query' from the drop down menu.

Named Queries

Query History

The parameters of each executed query are saved in a query history unique to each query type (e.g., Phones, Data Tiers, etc.) When opening the Query and Report wizard the most recent entry (i.e., the previously executed query) in the query history is loaded. Query history can be viewed using the 'Query history' button in the toolbar of the query form. Double-clicking an item in the displayed popup

Query History

Query Results

Queries are executed by clicking the 'Run Query' button. Result sets are displayed in a table on the bottom-left portion of the wizard (under the session selector) in a view named 'Query Results.' Queries can be executed more than once, the results of each execution will be titled 'Query 1', 'Query 2', 'etc.' You can select the active result set using the combo-box in the top-right corner of the Query Results view. Result sets may be discarded by clicking the '-' button in the top-right corner of the Query Results view (or by using the 'Query' window menu.)

Query Results

Only the active result set will be used in the report steps of the wizard. The active result set is indicated in the title of the window.

Results from executed queries are shown in the session selector tree to allow comparisons between executed queries for individual sessions. Result sets may be viewed by double-clicking the result set in the tree or in the Query Results view. Results will be displayed in a table along with the associated session. For more information see View Result Set.

Step 2: Report Composer

The Report Composer step allows configuration of the generated report. The composer has three main views: Reports - a list of all available report sections; Report List - a list of report sections which have been added to the report configuration; and a Settings view in the bottom-right which allows configuration of report sections highlighted in the Report List view.

Report Composer

When opened, the Report Composer will load the previous report configuration for the query. If no previous configuration was found a default report consisting of the sections Query Information, Aggregate, and Listing by Session is loaded.

Save/Load Report Configuration

Report configuration can be saved and loaded from disk using the save/browse buttons in the Report List toolbar.

Save/Load Buttons

Add Section to Report

To add a report section to the current report configuration do one of:

  1. Highlight the report section in the 'Reports' view and click the '+' button in the 'Report List' view

  2. Double click the report section in the 'Reports' view

  3. Drag the report section from the 'Reports' view into the 'Report List' view

Add Button

Remove Section from Report

To remove a report section from the current report configuration:

  1. Highlight the report section in the Report List view

  2. Click the '-' button in the Report List toolbar

Remove Button

Reorder Report Sections

To reorder report sections do one of:

  1. Highlight the section in the Report List view and use the up/down buttons in the toolbar

  2. Use the mouse to drag and drop report sections in the Report List view

Move Buttons

Global Report Options

Three global report options are available:

  1. case sensitive

  2. ignore diacritics

  3. inventory grouping

Global Options

Case sensitive

Modify case sensitivity where applicable. The options are:

  1. default - use settings as defined in report section settings

  2. yes - override report section settings and turn on case sensitivity where applicable

  3. no - override report section settings and turn off case sensitivity where applicable

Ignore diacritics

Modify ignore diacritics settings where application. The options are:

  1. default - use settings as defined in report section settings

  2. yes - override report section settings and turn on ignore diacritics where applicable

  3. no - override report section settings and turn off ignore diacritics where applicable

Inventory Grouping

Choose longnitudinal grouping column for aggregate inventories:

  1. default - use settings as defined in report section settings

  2. session - use session name as longnitudinal grouping column

  3. age - use age as longnitudinal grouping column

Report Section Settings

To modify settings for a report section:

  1. Highlight the report section in the Report List view

  2. Use the bottom-right view to modify settings for the report section.

Step 3: Report

The HTML report is generated based on the report configuration when the Report step is initiated. Report generation may take several minutes - especially for reports with large amounts of data. Once the report is generated it will be displayed in the wizard.


Save HTML Report

To save a copy of the HTML report click the 'Save...' button in the toolbar.

If 'Open after saving' is selected the Report will be opened in the system default browser.

Export tables

To export report tables to CSV/Excel formats, use the 'Export tables...' button in the toolbar. There are three options:

  1. Export tables to single Excel workbook

  2. Export tables to folder (XLS) - export tables one per file in Excel format to specified folder

  3. Export tables to folder (CSV) - export tables one per file in CSV format to specified folder

Export Tables Dialog

If 'Open after saving' is selected the Excel file or export folder will be displayed after export.