
Description of the phonex sctype supplementary matcher.

The sctype supplementary matcher queries the syllable constituent type of a phone. The expression given to the matcher must be a list of syllable constituent types from the following list, separated by a | (pipe.)
  • LeftAppendix or L
  • Onset or O
  • Nucleus or N
  • Coda or C
  • RightAppendix or R
  • Ambisyllabic or A
  • OEHS or E
  • SyllableStress or S
  • SyllableBoundary or B
  • WordBoundary or W
  • Unknown or U
All constituent types are case-insensitive. Constituent types can also be prefixed by a - (minus) to indicate the constituent type is not-allowed.

The sctype matcher also has a shorthand within phonex. A single consitutuent type may be queried on a phone matcher by specifying one of the single-character codes shown above prefixed by a :.

Both of these expressions will search for 'b' in the onset position: