Example Phones Queries

The following examples are available in Phon from the Phones query window as named queries.

Standalone Consonants

// Look-behind '(?<' and match beginning of input '^'
// followed by an optional stress marker '\s?'
// Match a consonant '(\c)' followed by end of input '$'

Initial Singleton Consonants

// Look-behind '(?<' and match beginning of input '^'
// followed by an optional stress marker '\s?'
// Match a consonant (\c)
// Look-ahead '(?>' and match a vowel

Medial Singleton Consonants

// Look-behind '(?<' and match a vowel '\v'
// followed by an optional stress marker '\s?'
// Match a consonant
// Look-ahead '(?>' and match an optional stress maker and vowel

Final Singleton Consonants

// Look-behind '(?<' and match a vowel '\v'
// Match a consonant '(\c)' followed by end of input '$'

Singleton Consonants

// The double pipe operator will combine results of independent expressions
// Standalone Consonants
(?<^\s?)(\c)$ ||
// Initial Consonants
(?<^\s?)(\c)(?>\v) ||
// Medial Consonants
(?<\v\s?)(\c)(?>\s?\v) ||
// Final Consonants

Singleton Onsets

// The double pipe operator will combine results of independent expressions
// Standalone Onsets
(?<^\s?)(\c:O:E)$ || 
// All other Singleton Onsets

Singleton Codas

// The double pipe operator will combine results of independent expressions
// Medial Singleton Codas
(?<.:N)(\c:C)(?>\s? (\c:O | .:N)) ||
// Final Singleton Codas

Initial Consonant Clusters

// Look-behind '(?<' and match beginning of input '^'
// followed by an optional stress marker '\s?'
// Match a 2 or more consonants '(\c<2,>)'
// Look-ahead '(?>' and match an optional stress marker '\s?' and vowel '\v'

Medial Consonant Clusters

// Look-behind '(?<' and match a vowel '\v'
// followed by an optional stress marker '\s?'
// Match a 2 or more consonants '(\c<2,>)'
// Look-ahead '(?>' and match an optional stress marker '\s?' and vowel '\v'

Final Consonant Clusters

// Look-behind '(?<' and match a vowel '\v'
// followed by an optional stress marker '\s?'
// Match a 2 or more consonants '(\c<2,>)'
// followed by end of input '$'

Heterosyllabic Consonant Clusters

// match one or more consonants '\c+'
// followed by a syllable boundary '\S' (includes implicit boundaries)
// followed by one or more consonants '\c+'

Consonant Clusters

// The double pipe operator will combine results of independent expressions
// Initial/medial Consonant Clusters
(\c<2,>)(?>\s?\v) ||
// Final Consonant Clusters
(\c<2,>)$ ||
// Heterosyllabic Clusters

Syllable-initial Clusters

// Includes left appendices ':L', onsets ':O' and OEHS ':E'
(?<^\s?)(\c:L:O:E<2,>) ||

Syllable-final Clusters

// Includes right appendices ':R' and codas ':C'
(\c:C:R<2,>)$ ||

Tautosyllabic Consonant Clusters

^(\c:L:O:E<2,>) ||
(?<\v\s?)(\c:L:O:E<2,>) ||
(\c:C:R<2,>)$ ||

Syllables (short)

// Query all syllables, store each section in a named group
// Stress
// Onset
// Rhyme
	// Nucleus
	(N=.:D<2> | .:N)
	// Coda

Syllables (expanded)

// Query all syllables, store each constituent in a named group
// Stress
// Onset
	| (\c:L:O)(\c:L:O)(\c:O)(\c:O)
	| (\c:L:O)(\c:O)(\c:O)
	| (\c:O)(\c:O) 
	| (\c:O:E)
// Rhyme
	// Nucleus
		(N1=.:D)(N2=.:D) | (.:N)
	// Coda
		| (\c:C)(\c:C)(\c:C:R)(\c:C:R)
		| (\c:C)(\c:C)(\c:C:R)
		| (\c:C)(\c:C) 
		| (\c:C)