Phonological Mean Length of Utterance (PMLU)

The PMLU analysis calculates:
  1. Phonlogical Mean Length of Utterance (PMLU) (Ingram 2002)
  2. Expanded Phonological Mean Length of Utterance (ePMLU) (Arias & Lleó 2013)

Data Preparation

Session data is queried by word for each IPA Target and IPA Actual tuple. Proper syllabification and phone alignment is required for accurate results. All participants should have unique names/identification numbers and a speaker should be assigned to all records.



PMLUTarget is calculated as the number of consonants in the target transcript. PMLUActual is calculated as the number of segments in the actual transcript plus the number of target-like consonants produced. In this case target-like will ignore diacritics between compared phones. PWP is defined as the ratio of PMLUActual to PMLUTarget.


ePMLUTargetFeatures is calculated as three times the number of consonants in the target transcript (one for each of 'manner', 'place' and 'voicing'.) ePMLUActualFeatures is calculated as the sum of the number of correctly produced place, manner, and voicing features for each target consonant. ePWPFeatures is defined as the ratio of ePMLUActualFeatures to ePMLUTargetFeatures.


ePMLUTargetSyllables is calculated as two times the number of syllables in the target transcript plus the closed syllable bonus for each closed syllable. ePMLUActualSyllables is calculated in the same manner. ePWPSyllables is defined as the ratio of ePMLUActualSyllables to ePMLUTargetSyllables.


ePMLUTarget is calculated as ePMLUTargetFeatures plus ePMLUTargetSyllables. ePMLUActual is calculated in the same manner. ePWP is defined as the ratio of ePMLUActual to ePMLUTarget.

Report Outline

A sample table of contents is displayed below. Bold level elements are section headers while italic items are tables.

  • Phonological Mean Length of Utterance (PMLU)

    • Parameters

    • Summary

      • All Participants

      • Participant 1

      • … for(each selected participant)
    • Listing (All results with PMLU/ePMLU calcations for each aligned pair)