Uses of Package
Packages that use ca.phon.orthography
Classes in ca.phon.orthography used by with syntax type:data type is optionalContainer for orthographic transcriptions.A word in an orthographic phrase.Two words joined by a marker.
Classes in ca.phon.orthography used by with syntax type:data type is optionalAn event written in-line with orthography.Container for orthographic transcriptions.A word in an orthographic phrase.
Classes in ca.phon.orthography used by with syntax type:data type is optionalA word in an orthographic phrase.Two words joined by a marker.
Classes in ca.phon.orthography used by ca.phon.orthographyClassDescriptionAbstract implementation of
implementing extension support.Comment with syntax type:data type is optionalContainer for orthographic transcriptions.Class for buildingOrthography
from various sources.Punctuation support in orthography.A word in an orthographic phrase.Two words joined by a marker.Symbols used to create wordnets.Word which have not been transcribed.Codes for word prefix.Word suffix codes. -
Classes in ca.phon.orthography used by ca.phon.orthography.parserClassDescriptionComment with syntax type:data type is optionalAn event written in-line with orthography.Container for orthographic transcriptions.Represents punctuation and syntax elements.A word in an orthographic phrase.Two words joined by a marker.
Classes in ca.phon.orthography used by ca.phon.phontalk.parserClassDescriptionComment with syntax type:data type is optionalAn event written in-line with orthography.Container for orthographic transcriptions.Represents punctuation and syntax elements.A word in an orthographic phrase.Two words joined by a marker.
Classes in ca.phon.orthography used by ca.phon.session
Classes in ca.phon.orthography used by ca.phon.session.alignedMorphemesClassDescriptionA word in an orthographic phrase.Two words joined by a marker.
Classes in ca.phon.orthography used by ca.phon.session.impl
Classes in ca.phon.orthography used by with syntax type:data type is optionalAn event written in-line with orthography.Container for orthographic transcriptions.Represents punctuation and syntax elements.A word in an orthographic phrase.Two words joined by a marker.
Classes in ca.phon.orthography used by with syntax type:data type is optionalAn event written in-line with orthography.Container for orthographic transcriptions.Represents punctuation and syntax elements.A word in an orthographic phrase.Two words joined by a marker.
Classes in ca.phon.orthography used by ca.phon.session.spi